The dearth of ideas

I have nothing. No ideas. I have been thinking for a while about what to write. I’ve come up empty. Maybe I am too distracted. By what though. Not sure.

Writers block is quite interesting when you think about it. It’s a state where you can’t seem to find anything to write. But not really, if you think about it. It’s not like your mind has shut down and there are no ideas. It’s often the opposite. The mind has too many ideas that it’s difficult to pick one. Nothing seems good enough. You want something else. Something ‘different’. Something better. And you often never find it. That is writer’s block.

Why can’t we choose some idea, and go with it? Why is it difficult to do that? Why do we torment ourselves for sometimes weeks and months for the ‘right’ idea? The reason that we are waiting for another idea, I think, is because we are not motivated enough to go with the current one. We feel like we are not excited enough to work on it. We are hoping that some other idea will excite us enough to make us want to put the effort.

I don’t know. I don’t have any good ideas anyway. So long.