Why blog. About me.

Why blog ? I don’t really know. I want to bring myself to write. Consistently. I want to try and be creative. I want to express the things that I want to. I don’t really have an end goal for this blog. I am hoping that it’ll take me somewhere new. That’s all.

I am from India. I graduated an engineer, as many of us did. LOL. But I didn’t get myself a job. I told my parents the same thing. I said I wanted to do something else. I said I wasn’t fit for an engineering job. That I wanted to explore the world. Explore my options. Be creative.

I wouldn’t say I failed entirely in all of that. But a year later, I see myself in more or less the same spot I was in last year. Maybe a little less depressed though. A little more glad about the world around me. But still aimless. Still clueless. Still dependent on my parents for my meals. I don’t really mind that though. I love my parents for what they have done for me.

They do want me to get a job, sooner rather than later. Which I agree. I am not doing much anyway.

That’s it. I’ll try to blog everyday. So see you tomorrow.

5 thoughts on “Why blog. About me.

  1. Hi, can I maybe ask for your or someone else’s advise how to post on the first friday? Whenever I try to so it says “comments closed”. I am a new blogger. Thank you


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